Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
Apostle Paul renewed his commitment to his goal vs. 12b. In the Old Testament when ever they reviewed their life, they made resolutions and renewed the covenant. Jos.24, Psalm 66
Therefore, let us renew our commitment / covenant for continuous growth.
Let us make a promise for year 2021, individually, as families and as a Church to:
Walk with God consistently.
Make ourselves worthy of God daily.
Be a faithful witness for Jesus Christ.
Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
Follow along with our sermon series on Stewardship or view our full sermon series Tithes and offerings Follow UCC on Facebook Follow UCC on Instagram Follow UCC on Youtube
A Christian wife understands her role as a suitable helper to her husband. This means she complements her husband's leadership.